Personal Data Policy
Our electronic online shop (henceforth referred to as e-shop) guarantees the safety and fair usage of all your personal data. We will not share, promote or sell any of your data to third parties, unless absolutely necessary for the smooth operation of our services. These include required credit controls concerning payments, security controls concerning profile creation & searches on our e-shop and situations where the Courts and/or Judges of the Hellenic Republic request it (subpoenas, court orders etc). Our website and e-shop will use all data submitted by our clients in accordance with all European Union (EU) and Greek laws concerning the usage of personal data.
The personal data we collect is always relevant to the fulfilment of our obligations to the users of our website and e-shop.
Data Collection Methods
Our website and e-shop collect data through the following venues: cookies, order forms, communication forms, Newsletter registration forms, client account creation forms and the live-chat. Data is only collected if you choose to submit it voluntarily, either by sending us an e-mail, through the various registration forms or by contacting us through the phone. All this is done to ensure that relevant information concerning our products and services reaches you in an efficient and timely manner, so we can serve you in the best possible way.
All personal data that are collected through cookies and registration forms are encoded and sent to the company e-mail server and the website database. The only individuals that have access to this data are company employees – they are never disclosed to third parties or sold.
What data do we collect?
More specifically, the data we collect are the following:
- 1) IP Address - This data is required for clients to browse our e-shop, it is used when making online purchases of all kinds and also serves as a measure to protect the e-shop from potential malevolent digital threats.
- 2) Pre-set data while signing up for membership or other online forms that the e-shop contains (such as signing up for our Newsletter, filling out order forms/communication forms etc). These data contain: first name, surname, address of residence, address of delivery (for any products ordered), gender, phone number, e-mail, login name, login password, any data required for payment purposes. All this pre-set data is filled out by you, on your own volition.
- 3) There is a strong possibility we collect data concerning visits to our e-shop, such as: Time spent browsing, IP address, visits to the site, geographical location, browser application, which notification method you have chosen etc. This data is collected for our own statistical research, in order to get an idea and a better understanding of how we could improve the customer experience on the site.
Our e-shop does NOT collect OR store any data or characteristics of credit cards - these are exclusively handled by the service provider which is responsible for your card payments and payment executions.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small files that contain information, and are stored on the browser one is currently using (Chrome, Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc). They help us increase the efficiency and level of personalization of our site. It is important to stress that usage of Cookies will never harm your computer, or any files or applications stored on it. The data gathered by cookies are used exclusively for identification reasons and for data analysis by Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel and for personalized advertising and marketing strategies employed by these companies. It must be noted that the data collected by Google and Facebook tracking codes cannot be used for identifying users.
Users can opt out of the usage of cookies by clicking here.
You can change your browser settings to inform you whenever a Cookie is being saved on your system, so that you can decide if you want that Cookie to be downloaded & saved. If you choose to not save Cookies, you will not be able to use your browsers' powers and capabilities to the fullest.
Our e-shop uses the information and data it receives from Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to inform Facebook adverts, Facebook and Google colleagues and the Google search engine network. Our website and third-party vendors, including Google and Facebook, use original manufacturer cookies (such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel cookies) and third-party cookies (such as DoubleClick cookies) to update and optimize the displaying of advertisements, in accordance with previous visits by users to its site, to run reports on advertisement effectiveness and to monitor advertising services relating to website visits.
Our website will share the data it gathers from advertisements, such as gender, age and preferences, with Google and Facebook through Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
Every user who uses our site declares that they have full knowledge of the above, and they agree with this Personal Data Policy that is used by our website & e-shop.
Why do we use Cookies?
One of our sites' main goals is to optimize the users experience when they choose to spend time on it. Using the data gathered by cookies during a user visit to our site, we aim to achieve the most personalized experience concerning products and services that are displayed.
How long is datasaved for?
Sitaridis keeps personal data saved for a period of either up to two (2) years, or until a client requests their data is deleted. This can be done at any point in time, for any reason, by sending an email to or by opting to Unsubscribe from our Newsletter.
Access to Personal Data
All personal data held by Papapolitis S.A may be accessed by their owners, at any point in time and for whatever reason. For security reasons, requesting personal data must be done by sending an e-mail to
Deletion of Personal Data
All clients have the right to request their personal data be deleted from our archives. For security reasons, deletion requests of personal data must be done by sending an email to and explicitly requesting the deletion of this data.
By browsing our e-shop and/or subscribing to our online Newsletter, clients automatically agree and consent to this Personal Data Policy, as well as consenting to the gathering and usage of your personal data.
Future Edits
This Personal Data Policy may get altered at any point in time - the active Policy is always the latest one.
If you wish to contact the Personal Data Policy supervisor, feel free to contact Mr. Vasilis Sitaridis by phone at (+30) 25210 35186 or by e-mail at